The attributes a.align include the attributes wsd and
xml:base, wsd is used to indicate that the tag's content is encoded
in the specified character set. The value of the attribute is the
character set name (ISO-8859-1, etc.) which should be the same as
that appearing on a <writingSystem> element in the
header document which describes that character set.
A single annotation document, containing a
<cesHeader> element, followed by a
<linkList> element.
An XLink extended link specifying the XML elements in
documents that have been aligned.
Contains a series of links considered to be a group. In
most cases, a group of links apply to data within a particular text
division, paragraph, etc. This can be indicated using the domains
Contains one or more occurrences of the element <linkGrp>
An XLink locator that identifies the tokens, words,
sentences, that have been aligned.