2012 PANACEA publication list available
A list of the 2012 PANACEA publications, thus far, has been made available.
Accepted PANACEA papers, as of 26 April 2012.
For a complete list of all PANACEA publications please click HERE
Bel, Núria; Romeo, Lauren and Padró, Muntsa. (2012). Automatic Lexical Semantic Classification of Nouns. In Proceedings of LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bel, Núria; Poch, Marc and Toral, Antonio. (2012). PANACEA (Platform for Automatic, Normalised Annotation and Cost-Effective Acquisition of Language Resources for Human Language Technologies) In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Trento, Italy.
Caselli, Tommaso; Frontini, Francesca; Quochi, Valeria; Rubino, Francesco and Russo, Irene. (2012). Customizable SCF Acquisition in Italian. In Proceedings of LREC2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Lippincott, Thomas; Korhonen, Anna and Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid. (2012). Learning Syntactic Verb Frames Using Graphical models. In Proceedings of ACL, Jeju Island, Korea.
Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid and Korhonen, Anna. (2012). Modelling selectional preferences in a lexical hierarchy. In Proceedings of *SEM, Montreal, Canada.
Padró, Muntsa; Bel, Núria and Necşulescu, Silvia. (2012) Towards the Fully Automatic Merging of Lexical Resources. In Proceedings of the LREC Workshop on Language Resource Merging, Istanbul, Turkey.
Pecina, Pavel; Toral, Antonio; van Genabith, Josef; Papavassiliou, Vassilis and Prokopidis, Prokopis. (2012). Domain Adaptation of Statistical Machine Translation using Web-Crawled Resources: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Trento, Italy.
Poch, Marc; Toral, Antonio and Bel, Núria. (2012) Language Resources Factory: case study on the acquisition of Translation Memories. In Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (demo track). Avignon, France.
Poch, Marc; Toral, Antonio; Hamon, Olivier; Quochi, Valeria and Bel, Núria. (2012). Towards a User-Friendly Platform for Building Language Resources based on Web Services. In Proceedings of LREC, Istanbul, Turkey.
Rimell, Laura; Poibeau, Thierry and Korhonen, Anna. (2012). Merging Lexicons for Higher Precision Subcategorization Frame Acquisition. In Proceedings of the LREC Workshop on Language Resource Merging, Istanbul, Turkey.
Rubino, Francesco; Frontini, Francesca and Quochi. Valeria. (2012). Integrating/Interchanging NLP tools in a distributed environment: a case study chaining Freeling to the DESR parser. In Proceedings of LREC2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Thurmair, Gregor; Aleksić, Vera and Schwarz, Christoph. (2012). Large scale lexical analysis. In Proceedings of LREC, Istanbul, Turkey.
Thurmair, Gregor and Aleksić, Vera (2012). Creating term and lexicon entries from phrase tables. In Proceedings of. EAMT, Trento, Italy.
Toral, Antonio; Poch, Marc; Thurmair, Gregor and Pecina, Pavel. (2012). Efficiency-based evaluation of aligners for industrial applications. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Trento, Italy.