PANACEA Workshop 2011 held on 29 June
PANACEA Workshop 2011 ("Discussing LR Needs with the Users") was held in Budapest on the 29 June 2011
The goal of the PANACEA Users’ Workshop 2011 was to organize a meeting point for Language Resource users who look for an easier way to provide their businesses and technology with much needed LRs. The workshop delved into the needs and demands of professional LR users while also presenting PANACEA’s achievements, exploring common grounds of cooperation.
Several collaborations have been established with potential users of the web services, including LR users as well as web services and LR providers willing to share their assets through the platform.
For more information on the topiocs discussed at the Workshop, please refer to the presentations below:
Núria Bel, UPF, Spain (PANACEA Coordinator)
Manuel Herranz, Pangeanic, Spain
Gregor Thurmair, Linguatec, Germany
Marc Poch, UPF, Spain
Prokopis Prokopidis, ILSP, Greece
Antonio Toral, DCU, Ireland
Thierry Poibeau, University of Cambridge & LaTTiCe-CNRS, UK
Victoria Arranz, ELDA-ELRA, France